
Treatment for Addiction

Addiction Therapy Birmingham has successfully helped many clients overcome their addiction issues, in the comfort of our therapy rooms in Edgbaston, Birmingham.

No matter how hopeless you might feel, there is finally a way to end your struggle with addiction.

Remember, that no matter how many times you have tried to conquer your addiction and failed, it does not mean that you cannot succeed!

You do not have to lose everything – career, family, friends, and freedom.

You do not have to hit rock bottom.

Now is the time to break free.

You can and will recover! You will free yourself from your addiction. You will regain control.

If you suffer from addiction, you most probably have an issue with anxiety. As an anxiety sufferer, you may be tempted to turn to substances, alcohol, gambling, food or perhaps unwanted behaviours to cope with your symptoms. It makes sense to treat both, as they have a tendency to feed off and amplify each other.

An addiction causes a sufferer to experience physical or mental symptoms as a result of a dependence on a substance, behaviour or activity. They have no control over their actions and, in fact, are controlled by the source of their addiction. This continues to the point where the sufferer is unable to function on a daily basis unless they have their ‘fix’.

Their lives are dominated by their addiction. They persist in their habit, knowing that it is dangerous to their health, but feel powerless to resist.

When you engage in activities that make you feel happy – such as a shopping spree, winning a bet or having sex with someone new – your brain releases ‘feel-good’ chemicals that encourage you to repeat that behaviour because it provides such an enjoyable ‘high’.

However, if seeking out the ‘high’ has developed into a compulsive and uncontrollable desire to engage in the activity, despite the increasing negative and harmful consequences it is having on your life, then you are dealing with an addiction.

No matter what kind of addiction you have, it can take a serious toll on your physical and psychological health. Symptoms often include depression, panic attacks, sleep disturbance, obsessive-compulsive traits, deteriorating relationships, poor work performance and escalating financial problems caused by your increasing preoccupation with the activity.

Dealing with an addiction can feel overwhelming, but taking the first step to free yourself of addiction is the most challenging step.

Each addiction will have a different physiological and emotional trigger for its behaviour rapid methods are utilised for powerful effective results. From your initial session you will be empowered to effect change and strive towards a new, better, addiction free you.

Create a Cleaner Life Where You Can Change and Take Back Control

Call Stuart – 0121 403 3163 / 07825 599340 for a free 30 minute confidential consultation.

Addiction Therapy Birmingham
Quadrant Court
51-52 Calthorpe Road
B15 1TH



Addiction Therapy
